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Loft & Cavity Wall Insulation Removal - Renewable Energy Specialists

Why retrofitting insulation is so important to climate change

 16th May 2022

It’s no secret that having well-fitted, high-grade home insulation makes your property more energy-efficient. It keeps your home warmer during the colder months and improves the comfort of your home all year round. Many of us think about how home insulation directly affects our household without thinking of the broader impact on the environment. But the truth is the two are closely related.

In the UK, a net-zero target has been set to reduce carbon emissions by 100% of 1990 levels by 2050. This means there is now a significant focus on energy-saving practices and a drive to make consumers more aware of the consequences of climate change.

Home insulation plays an essential role in the fight against climate change, and in this blog, we will look at what that role is and why it is so important.


Sustainability has become a hot topic amongst homeowners in recent years. This is because we are more aware than ever before of our own energy consumption and carbon emissions. Many of us see this as the first step in doing our bit to reduce our eco-footprint with lower carbon emissions and more sustainable practices.

One key thing we can do as property owners is to insulate our homes, be that in the loft, floors or walls. As insulation helps keep your home warm in the winter and cool during the hottest days of summer. It offers an easy, practical way to reduce your household’s energy consumption. Lower energy consumption means that critical non-renewable resources can be conserved and will last longer. This could add up to enormous savings if more households around the country were properly insulated.

It helps reduce greenhouse gases.

There is a high demand for electricity, natural gas, propane, and other fossil fuels to heat our homes and workplaces in the UK. Unfortunately, the process of producing heat usually involves burning fuels that release high amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. The climate change crisis is heavily influenced by carbon dioxide, and to tackle the effects of climate change, we must look to reduce this.

Energy use at home is estimated to account for around 14% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions. Because over half of the energy we use at home is for space heating, home insulation can significantly reduce the amount of heat lost through the walls, roof and floors. This means less energy is required overall to heat an insulated home and means that the home is emitting a much lower amount of CO2 into the atmosphere compared to a house without insulation.

A practical solution

We all need to do our bit to tackle climate change and reduce our carbon footprint. One easy way to do this is by installing insulation in your home. Not only will you benefit from having a warmer home and lower energy bills, but you’ll also be helping to tackle climate change too.

Contact us to find out how we can help.

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